What a Difference a Day Makes...

I received an email this morning from my agent saying a fairly sizable check is on the way to me. Huh? 

No, this can't be right. I haven’t worked since March, when I shot a Narcan PSA for the State of So. Carolina. The email notes have initials for a project I don’t recognize.  

I write back to the agency accountant and tell her that I think this must be a mistake. She writes back and tells me that it is not a mistake - the State of South Carolina decided to exercise their option to use my likeness in print and on billboards for the next two years! That’s what the money is for. I completely forgot that a photographer was on set shooting the whole day, and also forgot about that clause in the contract.

WOO-HOO! Road trip to So. Carolina after Covid to see my billboards!

Karen Ragan-George