First, A Brief WHAT’S-BEEN-UP-WITH-ME for Jan & Feb:

It’s been slow going acting-wise. I had a cluster of auditions near the end of January and only a handful so far in February. BUT, I am still having fun getting to play “Make Believe” in my home self-taping studio, so I’m happy. Every audition is a WIN, regardless of the outcome.

IN OTHER NEWS: David surprised me with a Casio Piano for Christmas. I have wanted to learn to play the piano since I was a young girl. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I may be a late bloomer, but at least I’m blooming!

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I adored Don Rickles. I had the great good fortune to know him and his wife Barbara (and son Larry) when he was doing DADDY DEAREST. I was assisting legendary producer Frank Pace at the time and came thisclose to accepting a job as Don & Barbara's personal assistant when the show wrapped. After a heart-to-heart with Frank where he said, "Do you really want to be picking up dry cleaning?" I thanked them and declined the offer. I don't regret it, but they were warm, lovely people and I treasure my memories of them.

Karen Ragan-George